Welcome to our Life Cover page!
We think it is fair to say that no-one likes to think about passing away and the easy option is to put off thinking about it to another day which, of course, never seems to come. It is a difficult subject to think and talk about but it is one that should be taken seriously.
At Ela’s Finance we can help you to look at what life cover you already have and can help you to work out what you would like to happen to your mortgage, the finances that a partner will be left with and, of course, the money needed to help your children in your absence.
Our advice is simple – you should check your current cover and what it will do for your loved ones left behind. We can help you to do this check free of charge. With independent access to the market we can tailor solutions to provide what you want – these often don’t cost as much as people think to put in place should a shortfall exist.
It is always better to check your levels of cover before something happens – your dependents will be very glad that you did.